Every off season we take a good hard look at the rules to make sure we’re delivering the safest racing, fairest competition and best value for everyone involved with the club. And every year we carve out time at the awards banquet to present our proposed changes to the membership for feedback. There was a lot to discuss this year, so thank you to everyone who offered their thoughtful input.
Spec Tires for Everyone
Last year we introduced a spec tire program for our Briggs 206 and World Formula classes. It has been an incredible success on track as well as off by cutting many drivers’ tire costs in half without compromising competition. Obviously, these are great benefits we’d like all our racers to enjoy. So, starting in 2018 LeCont Tires will be the official tire of the remaining NHKA Racing Series classes.
LECONT WHITE: TaG Jr., Sr. & Masters, KZ & Stock Moto Shifters
LECONT RED: TaG Micro & Mini
MG RED: All Briggs 206 & World Formula Classes
Racers will have the opportunity to burn through remaining used rain tires from other manufacturers, so long as those tires are marked at the April 21st practice day at Canaan Motor Club, or the first race at NHMS on May 5th.
Introducing TaG Micro
Micro Max is now TaG Micro and adds the IAMI Swift engine with its supplied 16mm exhaust restrictor installed (part A-85365.) The minimum weight for the Swift will be 225lbs, and the gearing will be open. Nothing else changes from last year: Rotax engines in their Micro configuration will continue to race under USRMC rules at 235lbs with a 14/73 spec gear. Chassis rules are still TaG USA and the age range stays at 7-10 years old. However, please prepare yourself for tweaks to these rules in an effort to keep things fair and competitive.
Remember the Changes to TaG Mini We Warned You About?
As announced at last year’s members meeting, the 1010mm chassis and 6.0 rear tires are no longer allowed in TaG Mini. Competitors must now be on a 950mm chassis with 4.50 tires on the front and rear. Otherwise, the rules are the same as last year.
TaG In – TaG Out
TaG Sr. and Masters competitors have a new engine to consider – X125T. A Tillotson 30mm carb (part HL334AB) is required, as is hitting these minimum weights: 370lbs in TaG Sr., and 410lbs in TaG Masters. Please note that the Sonik Sport and Sonik TX1 are no longer on the NHKA approved engine list.
Junior’s Shrunken Header
In an effort to refine parody in the TaG Jr. class, X30 engines will now use the 29mm exhaust header.
New World Formula Engine Sealing Program
A topic deserving its own post, so watch for a detailed information later this week.