We hope everyone is ready for an exciting Double-Race Championship Weekend at New Hampshire Motor Speedway. We certainly are!
Track configuration for Race 7 on Saturday will be counterclockwise. We will not make a decision on what direction we’ll run Race 8 on Sunday until after we have a chance to inspect and test any necessary fixes in the chicane area. Most likely we will let everyone know during the day Saturday.
We will have a quick meeting on Saturday afternoon, after the trophy ceremony, to discuss the 3-hour endurance race on October 8th at Canaan.
As always, all racers and guests must have a NHKA pit pass wristband. Anyone without a wristband will be removed from the property. Remember, all racers are responsible for their guests which means you may also be removed from the property. One-day minor release forms can be filled out at the gate.
Friday Night
The NHKA gate will open for trailer drop off and camping at 4pm and close at 8pm. No admittance after 8pm. Period. A $25 camping fee is to be paid directly to the speedway at the gate (cash only.)
Saturday and Sunday
6:30am The NHKA Gate will open. The gate will close at 12pm. No admittance or pit pass sales after 12 noon. No exceptions.
8:15am Drivers meeting. ALL DRIVERS MUST ATTEND. Any driver NOT at the meeting will NOT race. A meeting for new drivers will be held immediately after.
8:30am Kid Karts on track for first session.
Two 8-minute practice sessions for each group.
Lunch Break
One 5-minute qualifying session for each group.
One 20-lap final per group.
1 Kid Kart (last session during lunch break)
2 206 Cadet
3 World Formula Light and Heavy
4 TaG Masters
5 TaG Senior
6 206 Masters
7 Shifters
8 TaG Junior
9 206 Senior
10 206 Junior
See you at the track!